Assigning multiple series to secondary axis


I’m looking to assign multiple series to a secondary axis. I have information in tonnes and tonnes per capita. I know to created the second axis and assign a series to it, however I can’t seem to assign multiple series to the second axis. Any ideas?

I’ve attached the graph in question for reference. I have to get the line series (per capita) onto the same secondary axis.

Hello and welcome to the forum!

The basic editor currently allows you to assign one series to the second axis. However, you can adjust this in the advanced settings.

Navigate to Series X, then scroll down to the Y axis section. The first Y axis is 0, and the second is 1.

Hope this helps!


Hello Havard,

Thanks for your help! I’ve managed to get the series on the same axis.

HOwever now there is a secondary issue. The series on the graph will not align with the data.

Once assigned to the same axis, each graph simply stacks upon one another. The yellow lines data values are approximately 1.3 - 1.7. The pink and blue data data values are approximately 0.5 - 0.6.

Is there a way to have the data conform to axes constraints to appear in appropriate ranges?



Thanks, Declan.

I see the issue now. When you convert your stacked bar chart into a combination chart, the lines end up inheriting the stacking behavior.

To fix this, go to Advanced > Plot options > Line, scroll down to Stacking, and clear that field.

Hope this helps
