Can I show the total stack value in the tooltip?

I have a stacked column chart - as well as showing the value of each segment of the stack in the tooltip, can I also show the total value for the column?
(N.B. I need this to happen in the advanced tooltip menu, not the basic menu (as that is not working)

Hi there

I don’t believe it’s possible through the Advanced menu, but you can achieve it using Custom Code.

Here’s a code snippet you can try:

Highcharts.merge(true, options, {
    yAxis: {
      stackLabels: {
        enabled: true,
        style: {
          fontWeight: 'bold',
          color:  '#000'


Thanks very much - is it possible to put it i the tooltip rather than the stack labels?


I have worked out some code that does it nicely - at least in the Everviz webpage - but then the graph doesn’t appear publicly.

Any ideas?

Highcharts.merge(true, options, {
xAxis: {
// Ensure data is an array before mapping to categories
categories: Array.isArray(data) ? => d.Date) : // Populate categories from data if valid
plotOptions: {
series: {
stacking: ‘normal’ // Enable stacking
tooltip: {
headerFormat: ‘{point.key}
pointFormatter: function () {
var point = this,
stackTotal = point.stackTotal !== undefined ? point.stackTotal.toLocaleString() : ‘N/A’, // Format stack total with commas
segmentValue = point.y.toLocaleString(); // Format segment value with commas

// Format the tooltip content: segment value + total in stack
return ‘’ + + ‘: ’ + segmentValue + ‘’ + ‘
'Quarter total (to date): ’ + ‘’+stackTotal;

Great work

I see an error in the console when loading your chart

Uncaught ReferenceError: data is not defined

I think this is related to the first part of your custom code:

xAxis: {
// Ensure data is an array before mapping to categories
categories: Array.isArray(data) ? => d.Date) :  // Populate categories from data if valid

It’s not entirely clear what this code should do, but the chart is rendering on my side if I remove this part

Hope this helps

Best regards,