Plot Band Color

After creating a new plot band, if I click on the option to change the color, I get directed to an error page and have to go back to the chart. Anyone else have the same problem? How can I change the color?


Hi Joseph

Are you adding the plot band as a highlight through the basic editor > Annotations
like described here: Annotations - everviz Knowledge Base?

Feel free to share the link to the chart. This makes it easier to troubleshoot. Thanks

Cheers, Havard

Yes, we are using the Highlights feature to add the bands. But when you go under “Annotations,” click on the band and then try to click on the “Color” option, you get the mysterious error message “We made a mistake.”

Please fix this broken feature so that we may continue to use this product. Thanks!

Thanks for your patience Charles

I wanted to let you know that we’ve created a ticket for this issue. Upon investigation, it appears that the error may be related to the color palette in your chart. Some of the color values in your palette are set to null for unknown reason.

Removing these colors seems to actually fix the issue with changing the highlight color.

Can you try this please?
