Is it possible to put the tooltip date into quarter format?
On this page
It doesn’t list it * millisecond: %L * second: %S * minute: %M * hour: %H * day: %A * week: %e * month: %B * year: %Y
but I am sure that I have seen some examples somewhere that have quarters in the tooltips
Hi RAC Foundation
Quarter is not a built-in parameter you can use, but it’s possible to build your custom date formatter using custom code
In custom code, add the following function:
Highcharts.dateFormats = {
q: function (timestamp) {
var date = new Date(timestamp),
quarter = (Math.floor(date.getUTCMonth() / 3) + 1);
return quarter;
In the tooltip field, you can now use %q to refer to this function
This will show something like this:
Hope this helps
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Absolute wowzers!
It worked! There was just no way I was gong to work that out for myself!
Thanks so much!