Secondary axis not displaying

Hello All,

I realise I’ve been coming across a few issues through my project, and thank you all so much for your help.

My most recent issue is that a secondary y-axis input into the graph does not show when using embed link on our company website. I can’t fathom why it won’t display as it produces the graph properly in Everviz. I’ve turned off animation in an attempt to get it to auto load.

Everviz appears to have some difficulty with secondary axes anyway, as even in the editor it is difficult to get them to behave.

Any insight would be fantastic, thank you all again.

Share link: everviz

Hi Declan

There’s a known issue with 2nd axis and dynamic fonts not being compatible. I suspect a fix for this going out tomorrow

The workaround for now is to turn off dynamic font under Appearance styles

dynamic fonts

Best regards,

Thanks for the answer Havard, your solution saved me a workday of smashing my head into the wall! Works lovely, thanks!