Changes in everviz for 2023 Q3

Hey! We’ve got wizards working round the clock to make our app better. They conjure up all these improvements from their magical workshop known as Github. And the best part? You’ll hear about these updates right away!

Release September 27th


  • Changed section and widget colors
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Improvement, Company theme editor + Basic editor - Hide axis
    • #1549
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Improvement, Added 25fps option for video download
    • #1548
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Improvement, Add more font size options
    • #1537
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Improvement, Gif exporting
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Improvement, Enhancement/multipublish resizing preview
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Improvement, Enhancement/1449-multi-publish-section-wizard
  • :bug: Fix, Bugfix/1565 table keyboard navigation search input
    • #1565
  • :bug: Fix, Undefined highchart issue in layout tabs embed
    • #1543
  • :bug: Fix, Authors field not populating
    • #1526
  • :bug: Fix, Sorting by most recent
  • :bug: Fix, Removed incorrect logic for cell parsing
    • #1505
  • :bug: Fix, Google sheet data load issue
    • #1503
  • :bug: Fix, Scss include issue in main.scss
  • :bug: Fix, Mismatch between series names data table and data grid
  • :bug: Fix, Wrong background colour for colour widget#1462
  • :bug: Fix, Misleading axis notification for bubble map
  • :bug: Fix, Tooltip paste deletes everything


  • :bug: Fix, Bugfix/Bad link to changelog for forum/email messages


Since this update something happened to the table headers in our more complicated charts that we are currently producing.

For instance, in the following screenshot, I have 2 series called “Link” that I have hidden from the Data Table (Include In Data Export: Off). Since this update, it has inserted them back in and created another heading level. (Screenshot #1)

To fix it, I have tried to turn off Use Multi Level Headers, but those 2 “hidden” series headings still appear in the header. Even though the data in those columns is hidden. This makes the headings no longer align with the data. (screenshot #2)

Similarly, something happened to another group of our charts that have been published. It seems it’s using our first row of data as a heading level. It also messed up the first 5 date formats. You can see it in this chart.

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