Legend item events show on title (possibly associated with A11y)


Since the Highcharts update I have noticed that legend item events are also actionable when you hover or click in the title area (see attached video).

This may have to do with accessibility in that when listening to a screen reader and tabbing through with a keyboard you can see in the screenshot below that it’s focusing on an area within the title.

This isn’t ideal as users may think the title is actually clickable.



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Hi Kerry

Can you share an embed link for this chart in here to help me reproduce? I tried testing with a chart that we had, but could unfortunately not see the same problem.

Hi Martin,

Sure, you can try it with this one https://app.everviz.com/edit/485564?editor&panel=chart_customize.



This issue is related to the earlier keyboard navigation accessibility issue, where the screen would scroll up on tabbing through the legend.

It’s showing trickier to be tricker to figure out than I expected. I’ll keep working on it, and keep you posted.

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