There is limited control over the data table in maps. Specifically the series column header names. Martin and I had a previous email exchange regarding this behaviour back in January 2023.
- In the data tab we have a specific name for the series
- In the data table it shows as “Series 1” instead.
- The only way I have been able to change the Series name is by adding in the following code and turning off Exporting > Use Multi Level Headers and Use Rowspan Headers. I have not tested this with a category map where there are 2 series.
Highcharts.merge(true, options, {
exporting: {
csv: {
columnHeaderFormatter: function (item, key) {
if (!item || item instanceof Highcharts.Axis) {
return 'Health region'
return {
columnTitle: '2021 per 10,000 population'
It would be great if there was an Advanced menu item for the data table.