Inadequate Markup and State Indication for Download Menu

Expected Behavior:

  1. The download menu control type should be properly identified.
  2. Screen readers should announce the expanded or collapsed state of the download button to inform users about its current state.

Actual Behavior:

  1. The proper control type for the download menu is not present.
  2. Users are not informed about the expanded/collapsed state of the download button.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to the Tables product.
  2. Focus on the download menu present above the table.
  3. Observe the missing control type and the absence of state announcements by screen readers.

Additional Information:

  • WCAG Guideline: 4.1.2 - Level A
  • Component: Markup
  • Issue Type: Type 1

Suggested Fix:

  1. The control type of the element should be specified. Since the element functions as a button, the role="button" attribute should be provided in the <div> tag.
  2. The state of the download button should be communicated effectively. Screen readers should announce the state as “Expanded” or “Collapsed” based on its appearance on the page.
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