Embedded chart not respecting height definition under basic

As of today (we think), it looks like charts that have been embedded on our site are not respecting the height definitions set under Basic. When the chart’s height is set to auto, it fills the space fine (with some white space). However, if we try to fill that white space by increasing the height of the chart by defining it in the Basic Appearance customize panel, it shrinks the chart’s height/squishes the chart. For example, the screenshot of the embedded chart attached has a height defined of 500px under Appearance Styles. When I inspect the chart on the embedded page, it says the height is 325px. This is affecting many charts on our live pages.

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Hi @JesStandefer, this is now fixed!

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Hi Jes,

I tested this, seems to work now:

All good on your end?

Thanks for following up! All charts are displaying at their assigned height. Any idea what caused this?

I believe this is related to some work done in how we do exports, but I am not entirely sure.


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