X-axis categories

Hi, does anyone know why the first Category marker might not be showing on an X-axis when in Advanced “Show first label” is ticked.


It’s hard to know without seeing all of your settings, but do you have Advanced> X Axis 1 > Start On Tick On?

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Hi, thank you for responding Kerry - much appreciated. I did try toggling that one on and off but no difference either.

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Hi Caroline,
Sorry, I couldn’t be more help. My second guess would be that it has something to do with the amount of Tick Interval. When I play around with the Tick Interval, depending on what I have it set as, the first label sometimes disappears.

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Thank you - I’ll have a further play :slight_smile:

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Greetings Caroline,

If you cant figure it out, do send a link to your chart, and I’ll have a go!


The root cause was the categories for the X axis being set to nothing, for some reason. Deleting that part allows the actual categories to be properly loaded.

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